Saturday 5 June 2010

A casual walk is magical

I bet you never thought that just casually taking a stroll in the park or walking the dog in the nearest wood actually could benefit your health (and even burn fat)

The fitness world is generally quite negative towards this, there is an obsession when it comes to extended exercises that you must be dripping with sweat by the end of it otherwise its of no health benefit. And to an extent, I agree. My cardio routine is probably one of the most brutal and intense you would ever see. But here lies the problem. People seem to think that when they are trying to lose weight, every time they leave the house, they must run. This worsens the problem. 

Ok so this is probably not making any sense, let me try and make it simple for you: Do cardio, but also, just take a walk in the park every now and then. Why? Well. Stress for starters. I think a lot of people underestimate the effect of it. If you are working a full time job, taking your work home, and being on a diet all at the same time, those stress levels are gonna skyrocket. Stress slows your metabolism, so you get fatter. Stress, makes it harder to sleep, which slows your metabolism even more, which makes you even fatter still. Science has proven that just looking at nature can reduce heart pressure and relieve stress, imagine the benefits of actually taking a walk!

Its time to slow down

If you are leading your life at 1000 miles a minute, you really are gonna need to slow down. Its unbelievable how therapeutic just taking a stroll can be. I know you all live busy lives (this is the point), but just remember, say just every week, take half an hour out just to walk. Don't stick earphones in, just go, in silence. Its wonderful. If you've got a dog, you're onto a winner, bring them along. 

Bit of a weird post I know, but Its actually very important, getting a mix of intensity and calm in your life. 


  1. Great advice - I find that a nice walk can clear your mind, reduce stress and make you feel good. I take a thirty minute walk every morning.

  2. You keep it real with this blog, I like it a lot. Taking a walk once in a while(with no headphones! I like how you pointed that out) is extremely therapeutic and its a shame that most people don't even consider it.
