Thursday 3 June 2010


MY FIRST EVER POST! Although probably almost noone will ever read this, its still a happy moment for me, just allow me to have it.

Ok I'm done. Time to introduce this thing. Basically, My goal with Fitness Unleashed is to bring to you some real advise which will significantly benifit not only your fitness levels, but also your health. Sure, the ripped, 6-pack body is great, but I believe there is more to health and fitness than that. I'd like you to get the whole package. I want you to not just be an average fairly-fit member of society. I want you to stick out in a crowd not from the clothes you wear, or the car you drive, but by the fact that you are a perfect specimin of health and fitness. And yes, you WILL have a body to show for it. I want you to unleash your true potential.

Just to get a few things out of the way:

Principles of exersise: I believe very much in a more fundamental exersise programme. I've never set foot in a gym, and i've never needed to. I'm a big fan of bodyweight training (beyond push ups and sit ups, i'm not that primitive). There is VERY little in the way of equipment that i think you should buy, and most of that is cheap. I believe you can get a workout from no equipment at all. However equipment i would advise: Pull up bar, changable weights. You can find free alternatives to these, but it is somewhat impractical and often not too great for your workout experience.
I am a firm believer in hard work. While there will be some things posted here that require minimal effort, it is clear to me that to get real cutting edge fitness, you are going to need to work. Hard. That means not cutting corners, that means devotion, that means not giving up. That is up to you, I can give you the information, but you are the one who can choose how to use it. You have to set your own goals and targets, and you have to reach them.

Principles of Diet/Nutrition: A lot of my opinions are against the grain, but they don't come without reasoning. I draw from personal experience and scientific evidence. Besides, if you think what i've got to say is wrong, yet you are still the unfit and un healthy one, who are you to prove me wrong? Whats the harm in trying something a little different. I am generally against fast food, fatty foods and all that sort of stuff, but I am not obsessive. I will outline in future posts how you can eat pretty much however you want while still loosing fat.

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