Friday 4 June 2010

The Simple Truth About Abs.

It seems to me like every other website and article online is about how to get the ripped 6pack abs look. Chances are, half the people writing these articles don't even have it themselves. There is endless information on diets, exersises etc, some of which will and do work, but you don't have the time to test them all out to find which one works for you. And the most important thing about any exersise/health plan is that you enjoy it. You won't stick at it if a) You see no results b) You don't enjoy doing it.

The secret to abs:  There is no secret!

There, i said it. I had to. To get abs you must loose the fat around the abdominals, by causing calorie deficit. That means eating less or differently, and doing some cardio fat burning exercise.

Believe it or not, even if you can't see it, you already have a 6pack, its just hiding behind the flab. And so, working out your abs before you can see them is pointless.

Build up to it, take it slow.

If you are desperate for 6pack abs in 60 seconds, this is not the site for you, there is plenty of others out there which can give that to you (probably to the detrement of everything else in your life). I keep going on about them but you must set hard but atainable goals. If you are serious about shifting the fat, swear today that you are going to give up a bad food: Chocolate, alcohol, Takeaway, fast food, whatever. One at a time. If your problem is snacking, replace the snack with fresh fruit (not these stupid health bars). Don't have seconds for your dinner. Small goals which you can build on week by week and you will soon be on your way to success.

In terms of Cardio, I will outline this in a later post, but my basic recommendation is do it first thing in the morning, before you eat. This will maximise fat loss. I do mine at 6am. If this is not possible for whatever reason (yeh, i know, you're lazy), try and do it at a time when you haven't eaten for around 3-4 hours, and you are not going to eat for an hour after.

In terms of type, I recommend interval training, which i will go into detail about soon.

If you take one thing out of this post, let it be this: Don't bother working out your abs until they are showing!
If your ab muscles grow, you will look fatter. You are wasting your time. Especially don't just do thousands of sit ups, ever seen a picture of the guy for the world record of sit ups? He doesn't have a 6pack... you work out the rest.

1 comment:

  1. I just read through all of your blogs and appreciate the advice.
